
Expertise: Islamic thought, sufism philosophy, and the philosophy of kalam
Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies/IAIN Pontianak
E-mail: sahriwnddptk@gmail.com, sahri@iain.ac.id.
Phone: +62-82256461500
Researching Scholar/ Training/ Education
Experience in the philosophy of Islamic thought, multicultural Islamic studies, Sufism philosophy, kalam philosophy, Interreligious studies, and the problem of peace building from a sufism philosophical perspective. Educator/ Trainer of university students in islamic boarding schools, islamic boarding school students, Islamic boarding school kiyais, Islamic boarding School teachers, foundation administrators, rural islamic boarding school youth, and refugec children and youth. Aktif in Arabic, English including Indonesian, Javanese and Madurese.
Associate professor in the study of Islamic thought, sufism philosophy, kalam philosophy, interreligious studies, the science of Arudh Qawafi and Sufi poetry, and Islamic studies methodology.
Bachelor of Arabic language education (Drs.) in Islamic studies from state institute for Islamic studies (IAIN syarif hidayatullah Jakarta. Pontianak Tarbiyah Faculty.
Master of Islamic thought (MA.) in Islamic studies from syarif hidayatullah state Islamic university Jakarta.
Doctor of Islamic thought (Dr.) in Islamic studies from syarif hidayatullah state Islamic university Jakarta.
- Program Short Course Peningkatan Kompetensi bagi Tenaga Pengajar Perguruan Tinggi Agama
- Program Kurikulum Metodologi oleh The League of Islamic Universities, Cairo – Egypt, Jakarta-Indonesia.
- Kajian Tinggi Dauroh Ilmiah Bahasa International Studies, Jawa Timur
- Kajian Tinggi Dauroh Ilmiah Etika International Studies, Jawa Timur.
- Editor in chief, Syaikhuna Journal, journal of Islamic education and institutions. Bangkalan. (2007-2017)
- Editor in chief, Al-Miskawih Journal of Science Education. (since 2021)
- Speaker, Nasional seminar on the expansion of the ushuluddin faculty of Adab and dakwah. (2018)
- Speaker, National seminar opening new study programs. (2018)
- Guru pesantren nusantara di Komplek Yuka Kota Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Menjadi Guru terbaik
- Supervisor guru pesantren nusantara Kalimantan Barat
- The SUPERSEMAR Foundation Scholarship for undergraduate study at IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Tarbiyah Faculty, Pontianak.
- Ministry of religion of the republic of indonesia scholarships for master’s degree for potensial students.
- Ministry of religion of the republic of indonesia scholarships for doctor’s degree for potensial students.
- Kepala Sekolah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nahdlatul Ulama’ (MINU) II gang Bansir 2 Kota Pontianak.
- Kepala madrasah Aliyah al-ihsan II, Budi Utomo Pontianak utara, Kota Pontianak
- Mudir (Kepala) Unit Pelaksana Teknis ( UPT) Ma’had al-Jami’ah IAIN Pontianak. Tahun 2017-2018.
- Wakil Dekan bidang Administrasi Umum, Perencanaan, dan Keuangan, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab, dan Dakwah, IAIN Pontianak, tahun 2018 – 2022.
- Wakil Direktur Pascasarjana IAIN Pontianak, tahun 2022-2026.
- Konstruk Pemikiran tasawuf:AKAR FILOSOFIS UPAYA HAMBA MERAIH DERAJAT SEDEKAT-DEKATNYA DENGAN TUHAN. Editor: MULYADI. Publisher: IAIN Pontianak Press. Pontianak. 2017.
- MUTIARA AKHLAK TASAWUF: Kajian Spiritual Tasawuf Kebangsaan. Editor: Dr. H. Sulaiman, M. Ag. Publisher: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Depok. 2019.
- PEMERINTAHAN NEGARA TAWHIDI; Inspirasi Konsep Negara dan Pemerintahan al-Ghazali. Editor: Mohammad Nor Ichwan. Publisher: RaSAIL Media Group. Semarang. 2020.
- MEMAHAMI FALSAFAH ILMU KALAM: Konstruksi Sejarah dan Era Klasik dan Modern. Editor: Sahri. Publisher: CV. Bildung Nusantara. Yogyakarta. 2021.
- KAMUS IDIOMATIK +ANTONIM: ARAB-INGGRIS – INDONESIA. Editor:Buhori, M. Pd. Publisher:STAIN Press. Pontianak. 2022.
- ASAS-ASAS PEMERINTAHAN ISLAM: Perspektif Sejarah dan Politik. Editor: Sirr Ahmala. Publisher:. LKIS 2022.
- MENGKAJI FALSAFAH ILMU KALAM: Reformulasi Kualitas Iman di Era Digital. Editor: Sri Haryanto. Publisher:. CV. Bildung Yogyakarta. 2023.
- Building Character in Sufism Based Students in Madrasah West Kalimantan. In the Islamic education Journal Nadzruna, vol. 3 no. 7 mei 2023. Scopus.
- The concept of education management in the post-conflict regions of west Kalimantan:A studi of ibn khaldun’s thought. In at-ta’dib journal. Unida. Ponorogo 2023
- The Trust of Madurese Ethnic Muslims in Preventing Covid-19 Through Sya’ir Burdah; A Dimension of Sufism in West Kalimantan, Volume 21 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023 Edisi Juli – Desember versi elektronik.
- The tradition of larung laut sufi and mutakallimin persepectives Journal al-Qalam, vol. 28 no. 1 june 2022.
- The dimensi nilai-nilai tasawuf dalam bait-bait syair burdah sebagai pencegah covid 19 di kalimanttan barat.
- Workshop Literasi Berbasis Moderasi Beragama pada Mahasiswa di STIT Darul Ulum Kubu Raya. In Community Development Journal , Vol 4, No. 4 Tahun 2023.
- Penggunaan Ayat-ayat al-Qur’an Dalam Tradisi: Kajian Tradisi Mandi Safar di Desa Punggur Kecil Kabupaten Kubu Raya Kalimantan Barat. In AL-AFKAR Journal. Journal for Islamic Studies. Vol. 6. No. 4.